Concerns Over Biden’s Health Emerge At G7 Summit

President Joe Biden’s condition during the G7 summit in Puglia, Italy, has shocked diplomats and allies, with reports describing it as the “worst he has ever been.” According to diplomatic sources, Biden appeared to lose focus during the meetings, which some attendees labeled as “embarrassing.”

A notable incident occurred during a parachute display when Biden seemed confused and wandered away from the group of leaders. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni had to guide him back, after which he awkwardly saluted her. This behavior has intensified concerns about Biden’s mental acuity and overall health.

White House senior deputy press secretary Andrew Bates responded to The Sun’s report, calling it “lies” and defending Biden’s performance. Bates insisted that the video of Biden was taken out of context, explaining that the president was actually giving a thumbs-up and congratulating a skydiver who was out of frame.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak provided additional context, noting that the leaders were meant to stay in line to shake hands with the parachutists. However, Biden misunderstood and approached them individually. Sunak emphasized that Meloni’s intervention was to ensure the leaders adhered to the planned protocol.

Adding to the concerns, Biden skipped the dinner with G7 leaders on Thursday evening. This incident, along with previous reports, has led to growing worries among Americans about Biden’s age and cognitive abilities.

The G7 summit was supposed to highlight cooperation among the world’s major democracies, but Biden’s behavior has drawn attention away from the summit’s goals. As doubts about his health continue to circulate, the administration faces increasing pressure to address these concerns and reassure the public about the president’s capacity to lead.