Brown Once Confronted Biden Over Inappropriate Behavior With Wife

In a revealing interview, former Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) laid bare his feelings and experiences with Joe Biden during the Obama administration. He described an occasion when he confronted Biden about inappropriate conduct with his wife, Gail Huff Brown. Brown’s sentiments echo the growing concerns among many Americans about Biden’s fitness for office and his history of questionable behavior around women.

On “Tom Shattuck’s Burn Barrel” podcast, the host initiated the conversation by pointing to Biden’s recent decline in popularity, notably among women. Shattuck noted, “People are irked out about all the hair sniffing and things when he went overseas. I think women are skeeved out by that stuff. He’s not a good guy. You know him.”

Brown, in response, admitted that he did indeed know Biden. However, his next statements revealed a level of disappointment in the present Biden when compared to the man he once knew. “I did know him. I spent quite a bit of time with him. I enjoyed his company. But that’s not Joe Biden,” Brown reflected.

In Brown’s words: “We all know people who have dementia and have the beginning of Alzheimer’s, and he’s got it. I mean, it’s the walk. It’s the way he’s mumbling, his angry outbursts. And it’s a shame that we can’t do better in this great country.”

Polls have validated these concerns. A recent Harris Poll indicates that 43% of Democrats believe Biden is demonstrating signs that he might be too old for the presidency. Furthermore, a new NHJournal poll reveals that nearly half of the residents of New Hampshire believe that anyone 75 or older might be too elderly to effectively serve as president.

The conversation on the podcast took a deeper turn when Shattuck reminded Brown of a story he had shared in the past regarding Biden’s behavior during Brown’s swearing-in. When prompted, Brown responded, “Yeah, I told him I would kick the sh– uh, I told him to stop. So, yes.”

While Brown seems to downplay the incident now, describing it as “old news,” the anecdote underscores the broader issues many have raised about Biden’s behavior around women, including several well-publicized incidents. When viewed in tandem with his alleged health issues, these incidents paint a troubling picture of a leader whose behavior and fitness have come under scrutiny.

Outside of the revelations about Biden, Brown’s role in New Hampshire’s political landscape remains significant. Hosting “No B.S. BBQ” events, Brown is undoubtedly a substantial voice in the state’s political arena. With Gail Huff Brown having previously made an unsuccessful bid for Congress and Scott Brown is believed to be mulling another U.S. Senate run, the couple remains pivotal in New Hampshire’s political future.